Monday, August 26, 2013

Marketing Humor

Marketing humor is a great way to keep your brand at the top of your client's conscious mind while giving your company a positive brand image. When people laugh, endorphins are released into their brain that make them feel good, and marketing humor exploits that feeling in association with your brand. You should want those good feelings in your customers mind associated with anything you sell. Humor is a great tactic in your Facebook marketing or other social media campaigns.

Marketing humor also keeps people wondering what you will say next and so they watch your blog, social media or whatever medium they connect with you. This is a good thing! The next time you slip in a sale or nugget of information about a product, they are more likely to look at what you're saying because they have fun when they look at your promotional material. Some people will make a concerted effort to come to your page regularly just to see what you've posted, share it on their walls for others to laugh at, or bring people to your page in order to show them the funny themselves. Extending your reach with that kind of viral-ness is priceless! Think about Superbowl. People actually tune in to watch commercials because there are so many good ones. They talk about them for weeks! You should want this for your business, with few exceptions.

Sometimes it's not appropriate to use humor in your marketing.Take the funeral example. Though it might make people laugh, it also might turn their stomachs. If your products are of a sensitive nature, you should probably refrain from being too jokey as you don't want to offend your customers or potential customers. You want a positive brand image, but joking about sensitive material can actually have the adverse effect desired, so use common sense when creating your campaigns. If your mom or grandmother would be offended, then you should probably reconsider your campaign. Ultimately, you need ads that will appeal to your customer not turn them off to your goods and services. Remember who you are marketing to, what you are selling and keep your advertising and marketing campaigns appropriate. When possible, try to incorporate humor and keep those customers happy. It will reflect well on you, your business and your brand.

If you would like to check out more humorous ads put out by Shoestring Mktg, follow us on Facebook.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Social Media Made Easy

Do you need social media made easy? Well, start with one or 2 of the big social media sites and learn everything you can about them. Start your profile on one of the major sites (ie Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) and learn how to use it thoroughly. After you understand all the nuances of the social media platform you choose, then build your following. You can search by your importing email address book to the site, checking out other connections friends list or by looking through friend suggestions.

Next, determine your online marketing campaign, and be sure to track your results so you know what is effective and what isn't. It does you no good to put out content, if you keep putting out ineffective content that your followers don't want. This is why having an online marketing campaign mapped out ahead of time is important. In advance, you should determine what kind of message you will putting out, and you will want to advertise to people what to expect when they follow you and then deliver that content. If you tell people they can learn all about your weekly product specials and then never post a special discount, your followers will feel duped.

Order a free crash course on Social Media Made Easy here or click and watch our video "Social Media Made Easy".  Shoestring Mktg is a marketing company out of Lenexa, KS and serves the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Feel free to ask for marketing questions here no matter where your business is based.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Social Media Marketing Is Word Of Mouth Marketing

Social media marketing is word of mouth marketing in the digital age of today. An effective social media marketing campaign results in earned media rather than paid media, which is the advertising of the old days. There is currently an audience of over 1 billion people on Facebook waiting to soak in information which could include your marketing messages. Basically, social media is a message communicator that builds relationships between your customers or potential customers and your brand. Best of all, social media does all this for FREE!

Don't just jump into social media marketing without a plan or learning how to use it effectively. You need to understand how to act and engage with each site's followers. There are certain faux paus you won't want to make. What content do your followers want? Well, ask yourself, "why are they following me?" Don't sell your followers, but rather engage them. Don't ignore or erase negative feedback either, but instead use it to show the integrity of your business. Your company has to have a level of transparency on social media, so if you like to hide things from your customers, then social media is probably not a good marketing tool for you. If you have questions regarding social media or marketing, drop us an email here.

Shoestring Mktg is a marketing company in Lenexa, KS and works with clients all over the Kansas City metro area. Follow Shoestring Mktg on Facebook.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be good, but like all marketing tools, you have to actually use it effectively. If you make a profile and let it sit looking like a ghost town, what do you think a perspective client will think about your company if they land on your page? It won't seem professional, and might actually have a negative effect on your brand, which is the exact opposite of why you started your page. If you are going to start a Facebook business page or open a Twitter account, then use it. If you are not going to use it, then delete the account or hide the page.

Also, if you open an account and begin to use it, be sure to put out professional user driven content. Your customers don't care what you eat for breakfast, unless you run a health food store, or something of the like. Put out content that your clients want to read, not drivel that comes to mind. Creating content for social media can be difficult for some small business owners, especially when they don't have a lot of time to sit around and dream up fresh new content. If you have this problem, spend a little time educating yourself on how to write good content for social media sites. You can Google "How To Write Good Content For Social Media" and see what comes up. Try reading blogs, taking classes or even perusing tips from the social media site you are on. Social media can be a powerful tool to give out industry related information to clients or potential clients as well as keep you at the top of people's minds that might refer you.

Basic Marketing. Shoestring Budget. Quantifiable Results.