Monday, September 16, 2013

Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing is not just as easy as putting a status up everyday. Clients won't pour in just because you post a status that says, "Hi everybody!" Just as you wouldn't expect to walk into a room and say hello, then make the sale, so the same should not be assumed about marketing your business on Facebook. Think through what people your business is connected to want to hear about or read about. Try different kind of posts and look at the engagement received to leverage your posts going forward.

Be thoughtful, pithy and humorous. Some people's strategy is to bombard customers with sales and product information. That's not always what your customers want. People don't want to be constantly sold to. Think about how much you like junk mail in your mailbox, and that's pretty much how your customers feel about your constant ads in their Facebook stream. Try engaging your customers and actually have a conversation with them. Consider making them laugh and feel good about reading your posts. Stop selling people, and be social! It's called social media for a reason!

Creating graphics are a good idea for Facebook posts. Facts are great, especially industry related facts that your followers will find interesting. Recent algorithm changes to Facebook give more stream time to graphics, so instead of just posting the fact, try creating a graphic that gives the reader something to look at. Remember, Facebook is an opt-in type marketing, which means if you shove content in their faces that they don't want, they simple click unfollow. Gone are the days that marketers can dictate what the consumer sees. Today's advertising and marketing is all about finessing the message so your customer wants to receive it. The Google Chrome graphic in this post was created for the Shoestring Mktg Facebook page to relay a fact. The nice thing about creating graphics is you can put your logo in the slide which will reinforce your brand, and set your business apart as experts. By choosing facts related to your industry, you've now set the tone for your company being the authority over certain subjects. 

Here are some Facebook marketing do's and don'ts. Don't post random boring things about your personal life. Do put thought into what you say. Don't oversell your followers. Do let followers guide you on the marketing content you put out. Don't be negative in your Facebook posts or comments. Do create visual content for your followers.

Shoestring Mktg is a marketing company in Lenexa, KS that helps small businesses in the Kansas City metro area grow their business and develop new leads. Writing content and posting Facebook marketing messages is one of the ways Shoestring Mktg assists clients. If you have questions about social media marketing, feel free to drop us a comment, or contact us at

Monday, September 9, 2013

Video Marketing

Video marketing is important for businesses. Did you know that YouTube is the #2 search engine behind Google? Many people don't even realize that YouTube is considered a search engine, but in fact, people do search YouTube to find out all sorts of information they want to learn. For instance, this video in this post is an informational video by Shoestring Mktg to help small business owners learn "How To Build a Social Media Campaign", because if business owners are searching topics on how to do this, now they can watch an informational video with advice on how to do so.

Google also now owns YouTube, which means that often times if you are searching Google for information on a topic, you very well might see video options on first page results. Most business owners know that getting first page organic search results is a coveted spot to be.  This is important, because it's possible that with video marketing, you can get your company information on first page, simply by putting a video out that covers that topic. Plus, Google is very strait forward that content is king. Videos put out content that can be considered relevant if it's on the topic your potential client is searching for. 

If you decide that you want to try video marketing, there are some do's and don'ts. Don't put a video out that is grainy or hard to hear. You just can't beat professional sound on a video. Do think about what your clients or potential clients want to learn about. Don't record long drawn out videos, because unless you're doing a teaching series, most people don't want to watch a long video. Keep them 2-3 minutes at most. Don't be nervous. Talk in a conversational tone. These are just a few of the tips recommended.

Shoestring Mktg is a Lenexa, KS based company that helps small businesses grow. If you have questions about making videos or how video marketing could help your business grow, feel free to contact us at